Proven Track Record
Customer Satisfaction
The Challenge
They needed a solution that could seamlessly integrate with their main server to pull vehicle data using the vehicle registration number. This integration was crucial for ensuring that all vehicle-related information was accurate and up to date.
They required a user-friendly app that could guide staff through the inspection process, allowing them to enter vehicle details, conduct inspections, and generate certificates efficiently. The app also needed to facilitate the secure storage of all data, including vehicle photos, on the government server.

What did SMACON do
Collaborative Development: We collaborated closely with Design Edge, engaging in numerous meetings and iterative adjustments to meet their specific needs. This collaborative approach ensured that our solutions were tailored to the Directorate’s operational requirements.
Creating the App: Through thorough research and development, we created and launched an app designed to simplify the management of the Directorate’s vast vehicle database. The app included features for entering vehicle details, conducting inspections, and generating certificates. It seamlessly integrated with the Directorate’s server via our custom API, allowing for efficient data retrieval and processing.
Streamlining Inspections: When a customer arrives at the inspection center, staff use the app to enter vehicle details such as Engine CC, motorcycle category, and ownership card details. Our API then pulls vehicle data from the Directorate’s server, including the chassis number, model, and inspection report details. The app guides staff through the inspection process, enabling them to tick off parts as working or not working and ultimately generate a certificate. All data, including vehicle photos, is uploaded to the government server for secure storage.
Automating Reports: On the administrative side, our system facilitates the easy collection, creation, and transmission of daily, weekly, and monthly reports. This automation has streamlined administrative tasks, ensuring that accurate and up-to-date information is consistently available.

The Results
- Improved Efficiency
- Reduced Administrative Burden
- Enhanced Operational Efficiency
- Enhanced Operational Efficiency